Part 51: Ep. 37: What Goes Around And Around

Sam's found his man. Girl. Robot. Something. Now, to figure out just what's going on here. And also to watch Sapphire dance. Girl's got some moves.

On that worrying note, Makoto turns around and offers Sam the back of her head. It takes Sam a moment, but eventually, he gets it.

This seems like a bad idea. Let's do it! Sam follows Makoto to a dark corner and--

--let's hack a teenage girl. I probably put all of us on several watch lists just by typing that.

That's a pretty simple robot brain. No wonder Makoto always sounds like an error message.

Well, that was all a little skeevy, but it's done. Sam closes Makoto's hatch, augh, and Makoto robots away. Sam pulls out his notebook.

Of course, it's possible that DJ Candy herself might have some ideas. Let's check that out. Sam flags down Zack first, since Candy is busy.

Well, okay, we can do that. Sam waits for a song to start and goes up to talk to Candy.


how do you know that, does it come up often

are you a robot too
Musing on this new information, Sam leaves the club, his ears ringing.

Let's confront the Morcubi.

Nothing suspicious about that reaction at all. Sam muses on what he's just been told.

But first, let's see if we can make Brandi talk.

Hmmm, Sam thinks.

He barely manages not to say that out loud. Anyway! We've had worse ideas. Heck, we've had worse ideas today. Let's do it!

That's right, we have to be stealthy about this. Of course, given which game we're playing, stealth is not some fancy gameplay mechanism. Sam... goes around to the passenger side.

Techno-Tool time!

picky picky


Sims: not masterminds. Out comes the notebook.

And so we do.

oh snap

Needless to say this does not go over well.

Brandi turns to Esma.

What... but... okay, sure! Anyway, Sam has had it with these two.

Esma hustles over and straight up slaps Brandi. You guys, I don't think this is a very healthy working environment.

Sam leaves. The two Morcucorpettes watch him go.

Brandi slumps, and we are awarded some outfits--robot outfits!--and a new dispatch mission for completing that case! Sam is fed up with this whole mess, though, and decides to go back to HQ and catch up on things there. And also to wash out this blue dye--

--aw, hell, it bleached the shit out of his hair. The color was supposed to be temporary! Ugh. Sam sighs and goes to ask Jenny for the results of the stakeout.

Another dispatch mission unlocks! And now it's

The game is really starting to pile on the missions, intending for us to run them two and three at a time. So we're going to step up our game a little! Today we're voting on two missions, to be run simultaneously:

Oh, God, no, not a blue thing! That could be anything! Pinky needs agents who are wise in the Paranormal to identify the thing, and Charismatic agents to help talk to it once we figure out what it is.

And... well, Jenny slipped her own mission into the pile when no one was looking. But that's okay, because we are going to write some fan fiction and we love that shit. Jenny needs the help of Paranormal agents who are familiar with the source material; she also needs some Smart agents to help her come up with a compelling plot.

You can check their stats in the second post in this thread, just underneath the OP.
And remember: there are no consequences for failing a dispatch mission! Vote for anyone you want! If we fail, we just get to make more Sims write fanfic against their will.
Voting will remain open for about twenty-four hours, as usual!

Meanwhile, Sam will be over here, dressing up like a robot.